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School Environment

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Community Spaces
At The Clifton School, we consider the environment a third teacher. Every physical element – color, light, natural materials, hanging and open dividers – contributes to a feeling of openness and invites exploration. Each room, including our spacious hallways, is paned with large windows that flood our interior spaces with light and provide a seamless transparency between the indoors and outdoors.
The main building is designed as a large square with an open-air central courtyard. Each wing of the building houses a village of classrooms (Infant, Toddler I, Toddler II, and Preschool) that opens into its own larger community space, called a “piazza.” Both the classrooms and the interior piazzas are designed environments that support the children’s on-going work, inspire new investigations, and offer opportunities for collaboration among different age groups.
An adjoining fifth wing houses the administrative offices, conference room, nursing room, teachers’ lounge, kitchen, and storage facilities.
Outdoor Spaces
Each classroom has a glass door that opens onto an outside playground designed with children of their age in mind. Hills, flowering trees and bushes, green-space, sandboxes, paved tricycle paths, and ingenious, multi-level play-scapes make these spaces both beautiful and inviting.
Some structures remain in place while others, such as tree stumps, shade awnings, tires, picnic tables, and water-play stations are shifted often to support the children and their work.
In these outdoor spaces, you’ll see children hunting butterflies, building castles, waving wands made from long-stemmed grasses, hear their laughter and glimpse their joy.